A much needed Getaway

So last week my husband and I took a much needed 4 day vacation. We stepped away from the city, computers and the heat and drove 171 kms to Samana. Samana is one of my countries (Dominican Republic) most beautiful destination, virgin beaches, mountain landscapes, kind people and great seafood make this a must in any travelers bucket list. We found a wonderful resort and decided we were going to escape to Loma Escondida (roughly translates to Hidden Mountain). The 4 day (week day) trip was everything we hoped it would be, we slept in, relaxed in the beach, enjoyed amazing conversations with gorgeous sunset backdrops. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

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Patricia Pink n Hot Chocolate

Inspiration Monday

Hey guys, I am starting the week on the right foot, I am heading over to paradise today. I will be there for a few days relaxing with my husband, we really need to take a break, then when I return and I promise I will be a busy bee in the kitchen and bring you great recipes.


These are the quotes that are inspiring me this week, please share the things are are inspiring you today!

be kind


never too late



Just keep swimming,

Patricia Pink n Hot Chocolate



This week I am of to a great start. Right now as I write this for you guys, this is my view…


I’m in heaven. Even though I am working I am having a great time. Makes me think about how scared we are sometimes to take on an adventure, but every once in a while we have to take the risk and enjoy ourselves.

I started my day with these quotes from The Daily Love ( a magical wonderful page that you must go check out now!) have a great week.


“The last, if not the greatest, of the human freedoms: to choose their own attitude in any given circumstance.”- Bruno Bettelheim

“Thought is cause: experience is effect.  If you don’t like the effects in your life, you have to change the nature of your thinking”
– Marianne Williamson

