Birthday Celebration and Themes.

Hey guys, just wanted to show you some pictures of my Birthday Party and talk a little on how I come up with themes for parties and how to work with it. This year I had no theme at first, I was just thinking I wanted a pretty cake and pretty nails; yes my priorities are special ha! Ha!. This is what happened, I went to a crafts store that we have here and I saw these beautiful paper straws, held them in my hand and thought: I want to do something with these someday.


That same night at home I thought – Marshmallow POPS- (Can you see the hearts in my eyes?) So I consulted Pinterest -of course- and got some ideas and techniques. So that’s how it all started; confetti… sprinkles… delicate pastel colors etc., etc.  I guess what I am trying to say is that inspiration comes in the weirdest most subtle ways.  You just have to go with it and let it flow.

The end result was beautiful.  I made 3 centerpieces using the Marshmallow Pops and I didn’t even miss the whole balloon arrangement thingy, the cake was elegant and beautiful, it was extra tall, light pink and I used the same sprinkles that I used on the Marshmallow Pops, I even got a manicure that matched the decoration.  Anyone else match their nails to the decor? Or is it just me ;).

It was a wonderful night with my family, friends and my hubby, I am so glad I can share it with you all!!

Here are some pictures below, excuse the quality of the pictures and the lighting.

IMG_20140731_000917 Pop

Bday Gift


 Click the picture for the “how to”

Patricia Pink n Hot Chocolate